Retirement is supposed to come with enjoyment, relaxation, engaging activities, good companionship, and many other golden rewards. Many prospective retirees opt to pick up and move to an entirely new location once they have decided to leave their working years behind them. Moving to another state is an exciting choice for many because a fresh outlook and a new location can bring added enthusiasm to life. If you are contemplating this big decision in your golden years, you will appreciate some useful information about the top retirement spots. Many mature adults love the idea of moving to a warm state. Florida and Arizona are two good states worth considering.
Good Points to Ponder
You will be pleased to discover that Arizona and Florida are two of the top choices for retirement locations. Both of these states have added appeal. The natural scenery and the affordable housing options have enticed many to move and enjoy their golden years in style and comfort.

Arizona has so much to offer to retirees. There are pros and cons regarding your possible retirement in Arizona. The following are the pros:
- good tax breaks
- health benefits and quality care available
- lovely parks and waters
- an abundance of golf courses, especially in the Phoenix-Scottsdale metro area
- low-cost living opportunities
- many quaint boutiques and luxury shopping opportunities
A sample of cons:
- expect a hotter climate
- there is a variety of pests to contend with
- the constant sun exposure may be an irritant
- minimal public transportation options
Activities and exploration adventures will liven up your life and make you wonder how you ever got along in the workforce in your youth. Arizona does have so much to offer in terms of costs, activities, dining, people, and you are sure to find some good companionship too.

If you don’t mind sand that is white and soft, sweet soft breezes, beautiful coastlines, and lots of sunshine, then you might be a good fit for Florida retirement. Many retirees enjoy spending their leisure time on the beach. Florida and retirement are a heavenly match for many. But, before moving to the Sunshine State, be sure to weigh the pros and cons of moving to FL. The following are a few pros:
- a tax-friendly place for retirees
- plenty of sunshine
- plenty of social activities
- an active lifestyle
Florida has much to offer to the prospective retiree. The following are a few of the cons:
- the frequent storms (and major hurricanes) can be scary
- it takes time to find the right retirement community
- home pest invasions
- some elderly are scam targets
Right Decisions and Happy Retirements
Pondering the given points will lead you to a happy retirement. The right decisions lead to satisfaction and will provide you with so much to look forward to as you enter the next chapter in your life. Florida or Arizona? The choice is yours. Some pros and cons come with any move. You can think it through carefully and weigh the options and decide if you would enjoy your retirement in Arizona or Florida. Both of these states attract vibrant senior citizens.